Saturday, 30 January 2021

Musical Shapes (Math and Movements ) For Toddlers


Masking tape


Objectives: Learning using gross movements and the names of the shapes. Working together in a group.

Advance preparation: In an open space by using masking tape make the shapes on the floor. Large enough for two or three people to stand inside the shapes. You can also draw large shapes on paper and stick them with a masking tape. I find that slippery when little children are moving around.

You can make double sets of each shape.

Activity: First introduce the shapes to the child by saying this is a circle and so on. Go around all the shapes and identify them with the help of the child, then ask the child to find a triangle and so on. Remember the child might not know all the names of the shapes and will need your help in identifying them. Help the child by giving  him/her some clues to which shape you are referring e.g. if you're talking about a triangle you can say it has three corners like your cushion.

Get two more children, if not children than get mum, dad, older sister or brother to join in. Play a warm up game by putting on calm and gentle music when walking around the shapes. Start at the top of the shape and walk on line of the shape in clockwise direction . The aim is to walk on the lines. 

In the beginning the child/children has to stand on the lines of the shapes. Encourage them first to move around and recognise the shapes. 

Once the child/children understand the rules of the game, you can start playing musical shapes.  The aim of this game is to work in a group, so while the music is playing everyone is moving around the shapes and when the music stops the person who is in charge of the music will shout CIRCLE. Everyone goes to the circle and stands inside the circle. Repeat it again with different shapes. Encourage the child/children to find the circle. 

As they get familiar with the game, introduce different gross movements such as hopping like a rabbit, walking like a bear, and waddling like a duck and so on.

Remember to applaud the child/children for playing so well and working together in a group. Continue until the child/children hold interest. 


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